Mino Ceramic’s Approach to SDGs
SDGs are the international goals for the period from 2016 to 2030 that were included in the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015 as the successor to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) formulated in 2001. It consists of 17 goals and 169 targets to realize a sustainable world, and pledges to leave no one behind on the planet.
Our company agrees with the purpose of the SDGs, and we will continue our efforts to achieve a sustainable world through our corporate activities.
Effective Use of Energy and Reduction of Energy Consumption

We will contribute to the reduction of energy consumption and the conservation of the global environment by participating in the “NEDO,New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Research and Development of Innovative Technology for Utilization of Unused Thermal Energy,” a project that aims to save energy by effectively utilizing thermal energy that used to be discarded as “unused heat,” and by promoting and expanding the use of environmentally friendly products such as energy-saving high-temperature kilns with low fuel consumption and low CO2 emissions.

Reducing Environmental Impact and Resource Usage

As a comprehensive manufacturer of ceramics, refractories, and furnace equipment, we are aware that addressing environmental issues is our corporate social mission, and we are committed to reducing the environmental impact of our business activities with the aim of improving the local environment and preserving the global environment.
We have been certified under “Eco Action 21”, an environmental management system established by the Ministry of the Environment, since 2004, and every year we set an environmental management target and make company-wide efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, electricity, water, copy paper usage, heavy oil and butane gas usage, industrial waste emissions, and chemical substance usage.
In addition, we will contribute to the creation of communities where people can continue to live through the development and commercialization of various functional paving materials.

A rewarding work environment

In order to create an environment where each and every employee can work with a sense of fulfillment, we are promoting reforms in the way we work. We are working on reforming the system to allow flexible work styles, such as the introduction of the flexible work arrangements and the hourly paid leave system. We are also working to enhance measures that are warm to people, such as childcare leave and shorter working hours for childcare. In addition, we have a system of internal awards and incentives for acquiring qualifications.